Monday, 23 January 2017

Choosing Coventry Handyman Services: Your Home Winter Weather Tips

Although winter can often be a beautiful time of the year, there are, inevitably, instances when a handyman will be required to tackle problems within the home. Let’s look at some signs that such a professional may be needed.
Drafty Homes
Many homes in Coventry and nearby areas suffer from inadequate levels of insulation. As a result, a good amount of heat can be lost and energy bills will be much higher. It is a good idea to check for drafts around suspect areas. Windows, doors and door frames are often sources of thermal loss. Hold a candle up and if the flame flickers noticeably, it is likely that there is a draft where there shouldn’t be any, indicating that repairs will need to take place.
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Monday, 16 January 2017

Why Qualified Electrical Services for Property Maintenance Are Crucial

Electrical service is one component you must consider when hiring professionals to provide property maintenance and facility management. The state of a building’s electrical system affects its efficiency in a myriad of ways. Whether it’s a rental or a commercial building, the electric supply must be in the best state.
If it’s a factory, it has to run without interruptions because of all the machinery involved in the different operations. For an apartment complex, tenants need electricity for lighting and appliances and for this reason, your property maintenance in Coventry has to include qualified electricians.
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